Saturday, October 19, 2019

John Woo as a film auteur Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

John Woo as a film auteur - Essay Example In addition to that, John Woo is a very popular and fashionable film director. His actions films are working and bringing money. John Woo is a global iconic figure who has mastered the art of choreographing action sequences, Mexican standoffs and the use of slow motion technology. He used also these techniques in the course of creating his films what helped this person to create a highly alluring cinema that kept audience glued to the screen till the very last second of the film. His main achievement is his ability to incorporate his own unique style. John Woo simply controlled all stages of film production what enabled him to give his films a personal and a distinctive touch. John Woo is known for his constant effort aimed at resurfacing Hong Kong cinema of the 1980’s and 1990’s. The choice of this approach helped John Woo to acquire status of a cult director in Hollywood. Renowned American film theorist and film critic, David Bordwell, has reviewed a number of Wooâ₠¬â„¢s films. After reviewing John Woo’s films he gave the following evaluation to this person: â€Å"Personally, I do like the idea of giving Woo films a new rush of life, however, the man was, and still in many ways is (although it can be debated as to what extent) an auteur, in the truest sense of the word". (South Korean Remake Of John Woo’s A Better Tomorrow Meets Cold Response From Hong Kong Moviegoers) David claims that Woo uses a variety of skills in his films. The choice of this strategy makes John Woo the most remarkable and unique director in his area. David Bordwell also mentioned the fact that while watching Woo’s films in a theatre, you would be so engrossed that your focus would keep shifting from the background to what’s happening in the foreground as well as from left to right. Woo is well known for his habitual action sequences what gives his movie a highly fascinating yet a disciplined style. He is also known for re-inventing action seq uences. This measure helped to improve the quality of his films and to increase the number of people watching the movies of this film director. Regarding the issue of Woo’s technique, I can definitely say that Woo refined the techniques that his predecessors introduced to cinema during the initial stages of its development. The heightened standards of cinema, that he has set is still seen as a goal for modern films. After reviewing John Woo’s film, â€Å"A Better Tomorrow†, Stephen Teo, a filmmaker, critic and film historian, stated that, John Woo â€Å"reintroduced themes of brotherhood, honor and vengeance in the movie, making it boldly appealing for the audience to watch.† (South Korean Remake of John Woo’s A Better Tomorrow Meets Cold Response From Hong Kong Moviegoers) Further he stated that â€Å"Woo borrowed from the theatrical choreography seen in the Wuxia films of the 1960s and 1970s, by incorporating the same style into his shootout sce nes.† (John Woo and the Art of the Action Movie) While critics argue whether or not Woo’s participation in filmmaking should be placed under the Hong Kong new wave or if it falls under the Hong Kong studio system, one cannot deny the fact that Woo has made a big contribution into the development of modern cinema and has made an enormous impact on the manner in which filmmakers produce their films across the world. Hong Kong new wave was a brief period of experimentation for Hong Kong cinema. During this period filmmakers got a chance to

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